Don’t Panic!

Stu, A quick re-cap of our first times together. One of the big news stories today is the confluence of three respiratory illnesses making the rounds. Our old friend the seasonal flu, the wuhan-bat-flu, and RSV which hits children pretty hard.  I imagine you know that your sister Zoe had Read more…

A Moo’s Story

Damn… finding fresh meat this time of year is a pain in the ass. Like clockwork, the temps cool, the leaves turn and fall, and then -bam, slim pickings in the meat department. Most the summertime staples disappear and while there is a variation to the winter selections, it’s just Read more…

I’ll run with Ahmaud

I’ve been jogging semi-regularly for a couple of years. I run with the pace and grace of a Clydesdale. After decades of sketchy self-care with numerous starts and stops I realized that a sitting back passive approach to exercise does not help. Being exercise neutral is actually negative. Not being Read more…

Gimme Shelter

My impulse buys are typically nondescript run of the mill purchases. Unneeded t-shirts, the fifth pair of tan dress shoes, a novel new pretzel dip, extra items that go on my back, on my feet, on my waistline. Rarely if ever does one of these amount to much. In hindsight, Read more…