Little Mike

I met “Little Mike” over carrots a couple weeks ago. And something about this particular horse made my ears perk. He ambled over to the fence-line as soon as he caught sight or smell of our tour group and nibbled carrots out of my hand like they were the best Read more…

Mooving on In

Sshhh, Mooie here…I’ve commandeered this iPad. Dale lazily left it laying open so I pawed through the memories area. I noticed it was the one year anniversary of my outside photo shoots so I wanted to share a collage of my indoor modeling work and some poetry I was inspired Read more…

A Moo’s Story

Damn… finding fresh meat this time of year is a pain in the ass. Like clockwork, the temps cool, the leaves turn and fall, and then -bam, slim pickings in the meat department. Most the summertime staples disappear and while there is a variation to the winter selections, it’s just Read more…

Moo’s Tracks

One Moo’s tracks stretch around the outside, around the outside. Around the outside of our home they stretch like yoga, bringing peace and tranquility to all things that she doesn’t view as prey. There is a tasty same sounding ice cream involving peanut butter cups I savor, but these tracks Read more…