There are two types of people in this world.

One type sees a tall kitchen garbage bag and thinks: Hmmm, that bag is about 87% percent full! If I change it out now, I’ll get a sweet neat tie off on those little red ribbon thingamajigs and I’ll be able to cleanly and easily take out the papers and the trash. As added bonuses the bag won’t be heavy as hell, it won’t rip open and so garbage won’t be strewn across the floor.

These are my people.

The other type…well……, since I am not one of them, I have to just try and guess what they think. But it has to go something like this here:

Welp, sonofabitch, would you just look at that damn bag filled pert near the top! It’s got plenty of room. It hasn’t even been pressed on yet. I can force it down with my foot and easily fit the proceeds of two days worth of litter box output. Easy. It’s all good, I can add some sharp edged plastic packaging and that tuna can top to boot.

Tom Bosley’s ghost will be so Glad I stretched that bag like Kardashian yoga pants.

I may even set a record for the most crap stuffed into a 13 gallon space.

\cut to daydream sequence\.

”Imagine me with an entry in the Guinness book of world records without even having my fat twin next to me on a motorcycle!

This is my finest moment! Damn the coffee grounds on the floor and the ripped bag leaking a trail of rancid tuna juice, I’m maximizing the utility of this 13¢ investment.